We distribute professional quality dietary and herbal supplements as an authorized healthcare provider. These formulas are scientifically formulated to support specific aspects of health and are recommended by practitioners who understand the health of those to whom the product is recommended. Most online retailers are not authorized to sell these products, and you could be purchasing identical looking counterfeit products. We cannot guarantee the quality of any products sold by unauthorized sellers.
Counterfeit products as is the case with other products such as watches, handbags, clothes, movies, and many others—there are counterfeit sellers in the dietary supplement industry. Unscrupulous individuals selling products with unknown ingredients and quality—then labeled with counterfeit labels of brand name manufacturers.
Also sold are damaged goods with broken seals, lack of environmental temperature controls, or a previously returned product opened and resealed for sale.
Vitamin and herbal supplements can handle short term temperatures above 80 degrees. Unfortunately, most online operations do not have temperature controlled warehouses. Heated vitamin and herbal supplements do turn rancid. It clearly states on most supplement labels, “keep closed in a cool, dry place out of reach of children”. A cool dry place means below 80 degrees—not stored in a refrigerator. Most online sales come out of warehouses between 80 and 100 degrees—depending on the time of year. The benefit of purchasing dietary and herbal supplements through our office and Deatherage Health Products rather than through Amazon or other online companies is our products are sourced directly from the manufacturers, stored in temperature controlled areas, and certified to be non-counterfeit products. Amazon and other online companies cannot certify any of the above.
A few of the professional products we carry for our patients and the public are Integrative Therapeutics, Ortho Molecular, and Emerson Ecologics. If you wish to purchase any of these or other products we carry, call our office and speak with Gloria.
Dr. Christopher S. Deatherage
Gloria Deatherage
Rural Route 5, Box 806, Ava, Missouri 65608
Phone for Appointment: (417)683-1300